Lost pets typically increase following fireworks celebrations
As Seattle residents begin planning Fourth of July celebrations, Seattle Animal Shelter reminds pet owners to take proper precautions, as there is often an increase in lost pets following the holiday festivities. Fourth of July celebrations often include fireworks and other commotion, which can be stressful to pets or result in them getting lost. To encourage owners to protect pets, the Seattle Animal Shelter is joining the Humane Society of the United States in recommending the following:
- Leave pets at home and inside. Fireworks can be terrifying to pets, even pets who are accustomed to being around crowds and commotion.
- Create a home sanctuary. Leave your pet in an area of your home where it is safe, comfortable and sheltered from any outside noise and lights. An interior room without immediate access to the outside is preferred. Playing a radio with relaxing music may help mask the sound of fireworks.
- Pet-proof your home. When scared, animals may become destructive, so be sure to remove anything from reach that can become damaged or may harm the pet if eaten or chewed.
- Identification is essential. Pets may panic, escape and become lost. Updated identification is critical to ensuring lost pets are reunited with their families. Ideal identification includes a tag, pet license and microchip. Make sure your chip is registered on a site such as http://www.petmicrochiplookup.org.
- Consult a veterinarian for pets with anxiety. Consult your veterinarian before the Fourth of July to seek out remedies to lower your pet’s stress level, if this is a known issue.
“By planning ahead and being prepared, we can keep our pets safe and more comfortable through the fireworks while we celebrate the Fourth of July,” said Ann Graves, Seattle Animal Shelter director.
If your pet does become lost, both the Seattle Animal Shelter and the Humane Society of the United States offer online resources for steps to take to find your pet:
- Seattle Animal Shelter website: http://www.seattle.gov/animal-shelter/find-an-animal/lost-pets.
- Humane Society of the United States website: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/what-do-if-you-lose-your-pet.
The Seattle Animal Shelter, located at 2061 15th Ave. W., is open from 1-6 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday for adoptions and licensing. For owner pickup/redemptions and stray drop-offs, the shelter is also open from 2-4 p.m. Monday-Tuesday. For more information, call 206-386-PETS (7387) or visit http://www.seattleanimalshelter.org.